Voice Chat Server

Free voice chat for all LFSNZ members, provided by mumble.co.nz
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Voice Chat Server

Postby mathew8009 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:48 pm

We have a Mumble Voice Chat Server available for all LFSNZ members, this is a free service provided by mumble.co.nz

Server Details
  1. First of all, grab a copy of the mumble client from here
  2. Install the mumble client, the default settings will be fine in most cases
  3. Once the install is finished, open the mumble client
  4. You will see a screen like this
  5. Click on the add new button and put in the following info
    Label = LFSNZ Mumble
    Address = voip.lfs.nz
    Port 64738
    Username = Your Desired Username

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